Welcome to BestPornGames! This website is entirely devoted to giving you the best information out there regarding the most erotic and enjoyable games known to man. Today, we're going to be covering a title known as Grand Fuck Auto: it's a great choice for anyone who loves Grand Theft Auto and wants to enjoy a high octane porn parody! I'm going to spend my afternoon trying this game out so I can give you my full professional analysis on what's available and whether or not I can endorse it. So if you're thinking about playing Grand Fuck Auto but want an expert to give you his opinion before doing so, read on and we'll get down to it!
So the first thing you'll want to realize about Grand Fuck Auto is that this erotic game takes all of the best elements of GTA and combines them into one stellar package that is going to blow your mind. The link that we've provided will take you through to the questions page that you'll want to answer truthfully – this is a way that they weed out the non-serious gamers from people who are here to have a great time! Although Grand Fuck Auto is out of beta as of April 2019, they're still patching this game like crazy and just want people who are looking for a good XXX gaming time to get access. Don't worry though – the questions are pretty simple to answer and once you're done, you'll get inside the Grand Fuck Auto gamers zone.
Another side note: it's possible to play Grand Fuck Auto in your browser and most of the major ones function (Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Edge were all fine for me), although you can also choose to download it for Windows devices if you'd like a local copy. I think the download has a slightly better quality although I can't be sure – what I do know is that you do get a smoother frame rate on lower-end PCs (I tried on my laptop, since my main rig is an absolute machine).
Anyway, what you'll also want to do when going through the questions here is have a little look at the preview screenshots from inside the game that appear behind the text boxes that appear. This game has some of the highest quality graphics I've come across for an adult tile and yeah: they took plenty of inspiration from the Grand Theft Auto series here. The gameplay is pretty damn similar too, but let's pop open a new paragraph for the purposes of discussing that: it's quite an important part of the whole experience here on Grand Fuck Auto, after all!
When you first load up Grand Fuck Auto, you'll notice that you have literally nothing – not even clothes! This game gives you a little bit of a plot to help you understand what's going on, but you'll be completely naked in the dead of night and strapped of cash, a phone and everything else. It's your job to source something to wear and then build up an empire across the city – all while tracking down the dude he's been trying to kill you for the last few years. As with the original Grand Theft Auto series, this parody game title will allow you to steal cars, shoot guns, talk to various people and get into epic shootouts with police: just be prepared for the mess that'll result because this game has 6 stars (represented as cocks, interestingly enough) as its max ranking and that's when they'll send in the National Guard!
What's quite good about Grand Fuck Auto is that for a lot of the chicks, you won't need to commit any crimes or get into trouble for the purposes of fucking them. Early on in the game, I discovered a nice clubbing location (only open between 8 p.m. and 2 a.m. in-game time) where you can go and pick up some naughty sluts. They'll come to your car and fuck you right there – naughty whores if you ask me! I will admit that for some of the ladies in the game though, you'll have to do some pretty messed up stuff if you want to fuck them. I have warned you in advance, so don't go getting angry when you're prompted to shoot a complete stranger for the purposes of getting some pussy! That's just the way the cookie crumbles in Grand Fuck Auto.
I played this game for almost 2 hours before deciding to start with the review – I loved every second of it! That said, there are still a few issues that I'd like to see sorted out. Firstly, the ability to buy weapons in this game is heavily hindered by the fact that they cost so much damn money. Even the standard pistols are an absolute fortune – this isn't the America I know and love! I also disliked the fact that you can't change any of the buttons and what they do: even on the downloaded version. I'm hoping in future changes might be added to assist with this situation, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Grand Fuck Auto has already said in their development manifesto that they like the game as it currently is and just want to patch out bugs until the middle of 2020.
You're probably wondering whether or not I endorse Grand Fuck Auto: I think that if you click on the link I've provided and enjoy the artwork displayed, you're going to have a lot of fun playing Grand Fuck Auto. The graphics here are the biggest selling point and they've come a long way from their first release that was, quite frankly, not all that solid. It was a work in progress though: that's why we are where we are now, though! So yeah, in short: if you love GTA and you want to play a porn parody game, get yourself over to Grand Fuck Auto right now.